
I’ve shaken hands with Steve Jobs, covered a domestic terrorist bombing firsthand for CNN, and helped enable home-bound seniors to connect with friends & family.
I’ve jumped out of airplanes, interviewed users on tops of buildings and had a 1-on-1 design critique with Sir Jony Ive. Now I’m looking for the next exciting step in my design career.

I’ve held a lot of titles in my life – Product Designer, UX Designer, Web Designer, New Media Designer, Pixel Pusher, but my favorite title by far is “dad”. My daughter is the most amazing little person who surprises us with her intellect and makes us proud with her kindness every day. 

As an Atlanta native (we do exist!), I love having seen this city become a tech hub over the years. There are some great companies and great talent here.

I’ve also lived in Charlotte, Silicon Valley and San Francisco, but moved back to Georgia to be close to family – and as it turned out, to start my own.

Our family grew again recently with the adoption of our pup, Lyla (aka Crazytrain). She’s about the sweetest thing you’d ever want to meet and loves everyone and everything she meets.